Can proteinuria Ayurvedic treatments reduce protein levels naturally?

The production and elimination of urine is the most crucial procedure of your body. This procedure can reveal about your eating and routine habits. In some cases, there is the appearance of protein in your urine, but the protein is not waste material. Normally, protein is present inside your urine, but when the amount increases, then it may indicate a renal disorder. This condition arises when your kidneys are not able to perform their functions appropriately.

There are many proteins present inside your body, and albumin is one of them. Mainly, albumin is leaked from the urine; that is why it is also known as albuminuria. Ayurvedic treatment and medicine best for controlling protein in urine and can help your body naturally without dialysis and kidney transplant.

What are the causes of proteinuria?

Several reasons increase the level of protein in your urine, and some of them are as follows:

  1. Hypertension – High blood pressure is responsible for the increase in the level of protein in your urine. If you have high blood pressure, then you need to visit your doctor regularly.
  2. Diabetes – High blood glucose levels can damage the nephrons present inside your kidneys.
  3. Medications – Some medicines can injure your kidneys. It may lead to the leakage of protein in your urine. Avoid consuming antibiotics and painkillers because they can impair the functioning of your kidneys.
  4. Trauma – Direct trauma or any accident to your kidneys can damage your kidneys.
  5. Severe infections – Infections can affect the functioning of your kidneys.
  6. Autoimmune Disorders – Some autoimmune diseases can attack your body. In this situation, your body loses the ability to fight from a disease.

Symptoms of proteinuria

It is not a disease; it is a symptom of renal disorder. Proteinuria is one of the starting stages of kidney disease, for which,Ayurvedic treatment and medicine is the best. Usually, proteinuria has only one or two symptoms, but in some cases, there are no symptoms at all. Symptoms of proteinuria are as follows:

Foamy urine – Foam in your urine can signify this health condition, but it is not always specified to this disorder. It may be caused due to the fullness of the bladder.

Swelling in your hands, feet, abdomen, or face – It may be caused due to fluid buildup in your body. It may occur because your kidneys are not able to perform their natural functions.

If you experience these symptoms, then consult your doctor as soon as possible. They may suggest you some test like urinalysis to check the presence of protein in your urine. If your UCAR or urine creatinine to albumin ratio increases, then you have to reduce that ratio with the help of Ayurvedic treatment and medicine.

Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment

Ayurveda is a natural healing process that can eliminate the root cause of any disease naturally without any negative impact on any organ of your body. Ayurvedic treatment not only treats illness, but it also maintains the accurate balance between mind, body, and soul. Ayurveda also involves some of the dietary changes that are as follows:

  • Consume fruits, vegetables, and grains that are very useful in the treatment for proteinuria.
  • Avoid red meat because it is harder for your body to break down the red meat. You can consume lean meat but in limited quantity.
  • Avoid sodium, phosphorus, and potassium as much as you can because they can force your kidneys to work harder.
  • Drink plenty of water, but you should avoid soda.
  • Exercise can also help you in reducing the protein level.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and drugs.
  • Reduce stress levels by medication and exercise.
  • Lose weight if you are an obese.
  • Adding onions and garlic to your diet can heal you from this disorder.

These all are part of Ayurvedic treatment and medicine. You can also use Ayurvedic medicines that are made from natural herbs. These herbs are potent and can heal you from any disorder naturally. Several kidney care hospitals provide effective treatment for kidney patients, but Karma Ayurveda is the leading Ayurvedic kidney care hospital.

Karma Ayurveda provides efficient Ayurvedic treatment and medicine that can reduce the protein level in your urine. This hospital is treating kidney patients since 1937,intending to stop kidney dialysis. Dr. Puneet Dhawan is leading this hospital and rendering the proper guidance to kidney patients to live a healthy and disease-free life.


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